With enrollment in community colleges and universities continuing to increase, more and more students are also taking advantage of degree opportunities offered by the private sector. Near Tomball and Magnolia, the University of Phoenix at the Woodlands Learning Center and DeVry University in Houston allow students to earn degrees and certifications online and offline. “A lot of times, if life throws students a curveball or some unexpected trouble hits, students can opt to attend classes online rather than in person.” said Dan Dement, regional manager of public relations for DeVry. “It’s something that can be troublesome to have in a traditional university setting.” Dement said flexibility, accessible scheduling and a practitioner-oriented faculty are the biggest advantages of attending Devry. With a practitioner oriented faculty, a majority of professors spend their time working in their fields, according to Dement. “Our degree programs are often mapped by data provided by the [U.S.] Department of Labor,” Dement said. “We feel the private sector can better evolve its curriculum to meet the demands of the job market and the fastest growing professions more easily than standard universities.” The college also assists students in acquiring a local residence with its housing referral program. By working with local apartment complexes, DeVry can refer students to the most suitable housing options available, according to Dement. At the Woodlands Learning Center, the University of Phoenix also offers a number of degrees and programs that can be attended online and on campus. While degrees at this center are primarily earned online, students interested in obtaining bachelor’s or master’s in concentrations under programs like nursing and health care, business and management and criminal justice, can often earn them in person or online at their own choosing. The University of Phoenix also offers students the opportunity to earn a doctorate degree, which is not available at DeVry. Both colleges offer a variety of payment options, including payment plans that utilize installments, tuition reimbursement from employers and scholarships. “We gave away over $29 million in scholarships last year,” Dement said. “We have your usual scholarships for incoming high school students, but we also provide them for working adults and displaced workers. DeVry also has a fantastic military discount.”
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