The concluding session of the Orientation Programme organized by the UGC Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University was held today. 51 teachers from Assam, UP, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttrakhand, Punjab and Andhra Pardesh participated in the programme.
Professor A. R. Kidwai, Director, UGC Academic Staff College felicitated the course participants on the successful completion of the course. Addressing the concluding session as Chief Guest, Professor Masoodul Hasan, former Chairman, Department of English, AMU highlighted the significant role of teachers in the social fabric.While quoting profusely from English men of letters, Tennyson and Shakespeare he pointed out that knowledge makes one mature and balanced which in turn smoothens social relations.
Dr. Nasreen Shaikh from Mumbai and Dr. Suraj Pal Sahu from Mathura also spoke on the occasion and shared their experiences and observations about the course. They described the course as highly useful. Dr. Sahu, Lecturer in Drawing and Painting at K. R. College, Mathura presented his portrait of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan the founder of the Aligarh Muslim University. Dr. S. Reshma Jamal proposed the vote of thanks.
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