he Bharathiyar University will conduct State Eligibility Test for lectureship on August 14 at 53 examination centres in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry. The SET will be conducted for 27 subjects as approved by the UGC. About 51,000 candidates have applied for the test. Candidates may verify their enrolment by visiting www.b-u.ac.in. Hall tickets will reach the students on or before August 10. Students who do not get hall tickets may contact the controller of examinations at Bharathiar University. You can call 2428171, 2428173, 2428155, 2422752 for further details.
The department of botany at Bharathiar Universitywill organise a two-day national workshop on 'Intellectual Property Rights: Opportunities, Issues and Challenges'. The two-day workshop began on Thursday.
The workshop is meant to boost awareness of research and development staff in institutions on legal and ethical aspects of Indian and foreign intellectual property protection in the area of natural products. It is expected that 300 delegates from all over India will take part.
C Swaminathan, vice-chancellor, Bharathiar University will preside over the workshop. You can call 0422-2428305 or 9750006025 for further queries.
RVS Education Trust, which runs a 25-year-old college in Coimbatore, signed a MoU withCoventry University, UK, to offer affordable international MBA degree courses for students. The MoU was signed on August 11 at The Residency.
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