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Saturday, June 25, 2011
The perfect fraud is finally here
BE, MBBS courses are long-term investment plans - The Times of India
The cutoff marks for the open category this year is estimated to be 199 .75. Students who score less will have to be accommodated using the caste quota . The Kumars , who belong to the forward community , will not be eligible for it. The family has to pay anywhere between 30 lakh and 50 lakh as capitation fee and 3 lakh to 7.5 lakh as annual fee for theMBBS course . That's not all . Some medical colleges have given them an option of paying advance capitation fee for a postgraduate course , which is anywhere between 1.5 crore to 2 crore for courses like radiology , cardiology and gynaecology . "In new colleges , we will have to spend at least 42 lakh for
Monday, June 13, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Education Fair-International Council for Student Welfare
Friday, June 10, 2011
Admissions-HTMi - Hotel and Tourism Management Institute Switzerland. A Swiss Hotel School located in Kanton Luzern
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Want to increase your knowledge base?
Want to climb up the corporate ladder?
Admissions : IIPM
- To understand your exact requirements.
- To explain you the available programme.
- To answer all your queries to satisfy you.
- To guide you how to apply and prepare for the Entrance(E-PAT).
Monday, June 6, 2011
Recruitment-Education Department Chandigarh Administration
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Recruitment-SAPTAGIRI GRAMEENA BANK (Sponsored by Indian Bank)
Admissions-Frankfurt School of Finance & Management - Master of International Business (M.A.)
This programme offers you a unique opportunity to study along side students from all over the world in Frankfurt am Main - the most international city in Germany and the largest financial centre in Europe.
With up to 50 percent of the curriculum open to customisation, you will be able to compliment your generalist knowledge with specialised insights into doing business in emerging markets and Europe. You will have the opportunity to focus on specific industries or business functions and to put theory into practice during international excursions and internships.
Throughout the programme, you will be supported academically, personally and professionally by our expert faculty, programme management and career centre. Upon completion of the Master of International Business, you should be well equipped to undertake a management position with a high degree of responsibility in a leading internationally-oriented company.
Recruitment-Welcome to Dena Bank - Your trusted family bank!
Dena Bank publishes all recruitment announcements in this section of the site.
Please note this is for information purpose only. Please keep visiting this section
to check out latest Job Openings in Dena Bank.
(i) Download of Interview Call Letter
(ii) Reprint of Online Application Form
Probationary Officer :--
Specialist Officer :--
Recruitment-Coal India Limited :: Career Portal
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Archive |
Advertisement Code : CIL_ADVT_MT2011 Advertisement for : Management Trainee in various disciplines Published On : May 09, 2011
Damodar Valley Corporation: Graduate Engineering Trainee
Admission Advertisement for First Semester 2011-12
Admission and Information Brochure
LIST OF ALL NEWS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
RECRUITMENT RALLY AT PANAGARH FROM 13 JUN 2011 TO 18 JUN 2011 Friday, 15 Apr, 2011 JOIN INDIAN AIR FORCE - BECOME AN AIRMAN RECRUITMENT RALLY FOR GROUP 'Y' {FOR AUTO TECH, GTI AND IAF (P)} TRADES AT AIR FORCE STATION PANAGARH (WEST BENGAL) FROM 13 JUNE 2011 TO 18 JUNE 2011 1. Indian Air Force offers opportunities for unmarried male Indian citizens from the designated districts of State of West Bengal to become an airman. The Recruitment Test for Group 'Y' {For Auto Technician, Ground Training Instructor and Indian Air Force (Police)} trades will be held at Air Force Station Panagarh (West Bengal) from 13 June 2011 to 18 June 2011 as per the Selection Programme given below. 2. SELECTION PROGRAMME. The Recruitment Test will be conducted from 7 AM onwards every day as per the details given below. Candidates reporting up to 10 AM at the Rally Venue will only be permitted to appear in the Recruitment Test. Note: - The Recruitment Test is not for selection as Officers/Pilots/Navigators.
ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS 3. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION For Group 'Y' {For Auto Tech, GTI and IAF (P) Trades}. Passed Intermediate/10+2/equivalent examination with Science, Arts or Commerce subjects with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and pass in each subject 03 years Diploma in any stream of Engineering from a Government recognised Polytechnic/Institute shall be permitted to appear for Group 'Y' {For Auto Tech, GTI and IAF (P) trades in IAF}. Note : - Exact aggregate percentage of marks up to first place of decimal for all subjects as mentioned in the Marks Sheet of Intermediate/10+2/equivalent (For example, 49.9% should NOT be rounded off to 50%). Vocational courses conducted by CBSE and Kerala Board recognised by Association of Indian Universities (AIU) are also eligible. 4. AGE LIMIT. Candidate should be born between 01 July 1990 and 30 September 1994 (both days inclusive). . 5. MEDICAL STANDARDS - (a) Chest: Minimum range of expansion: 5 cm (b) Weight: Proportionate to height and age. (c) Corneal Surgery (PRK/LASIK) is not acceptable. (d) Hearing: Candidates should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters with each ear separately. (e) Dental: Should have healthy gums, good set of teeth and minimum 14 dental points. (f) Health: Candidates should be free from medical or surgical deformity. He should be free from all communicable diseases and skin ailments. Candidates must be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain. 6. In addition to above medical standards, following are prerequisite for Group 'Y' {For Auto Tech, GTI and IAF (P)} Trades.
* Candidate should bring latest prescription and spectacle for corrected vision if used. The prescription must bear the signature, stamp and registration number of eye specialist. 7. Candidate discharged from the Armed Forces on any ground or dismissed from any Government Organisation for any reason earlier are NOT eligible to appear in the rally. 8. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED. Candidates are to bring the following documents along with them while coming for the examination:- (a) HB Pencil, Eraser, Sharpener and Black/Blue Ball Point Pen for writing. (b) Seven copies of recent (taken on or after 13 March 2011) passport-size colour photograph (front portrait, without headgear except for Sikhs). Photographs should be only on good quality "photo paper". (c) Two unstamped self addressed 24x10 cm white envelopes of good quality. (d) All original educational as well as NCC certificates (if applicable) and mark sheets with three photostat copies of each. (e) To be eligible to appear in the rally at Air Force Station Panagarh (West Bengal) the candidates must have passed the qualifying examination from the recognized Boards from the State of West Bengal (Districts as designated in Paragraph 2) or should fulfill the domicile requirements as applicable to the State of West Bengal (Domicile Certificate issued by DM or any official authorized by the State Government of West Bengal only will be accepted). (f) Sons of Serving/Retired/Discharged/ Deceased Air Force Personnel, irrespective of their domicile status may be permitted to appear in the rally subject to submission of Son of Air Force Personnel Certificate as a proof in the following categories: - (i) Father/Mother is presently serving in any Air Force Unit located in the specified Districts of the State of West Bengal (ii) Ex-IAF personnel/families of deceased personnel who are residing in the specified Districts of the State of West Bengal (on production of proof of minimum stay of one year). (iii) Original and one photostat copy of discharge book. (g) Those who are below 18 years of age are to get the consent form (given below) filled and signed by their parent/guardian. The candidates of 18 years of age and above can sign the consent form themselves. Candidates are to bring the "Consent Form" to the Examination Venue and submit the same before the Physical Fitness Test. I,………………………………… son/father/guardian of …….…………………………… whose date of birth is …………………… do hereby give my consent for my self/son/ward to appear in the physical/medical tests, as prescribed for selection in the Indian Air Force, at my/his own risk. I am aware that no compensation in any form shall be claimed, in respect of injuries if any, sustained by my self/son/ward, during such test. Signature.………………………….……………..….… Name of candidate/parent/guardian…..….………… Relationship with the candidate………………….…. Date: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 9. TENURE & TRAINING. Enrolment is for an initial period of 20 years extendable up to the age of 57 years. Initially candidates will be sent for a Joint Basic Phase Training (JBPT) for 12 weeks at Basic Training Institute, Belgaum (Karnataka). On successful completion of JBPT candidates will be sent for trade training of specified durations. Training is however liable to be terminated at any time if the trainee fails to achieve the required standards in academics, profession, physical fitness and discipline or is found to be medically unfit. After successful completion of training, the airmen will be deployed on ground based jobs as per their allotted trades. 10. PAY & ALLOWANCES. During training, a stipend of Rs. 5,700/-pm will be paid. On completion of training, starting gross emoluments at the minimum of scale of pay for Group 'Y' {For Auto Tech, GTI and IAF (P)} trades will be Rs. 14,863/-pm (approximately)) which, in subsequent years, may rise up to Rs. 35,627/-pm for Group 'Y' {Except Auto Tech, GTI and IAF (P)} trades as per sixth pay commission depending upon the rank attained. In addition, perks such as Ration, Clothing, Medical Facilities, Accommodation, Leave Travel Concession (LTC) etc. are also provided as per the existing rules. 11. PROMOTION. Promotion prospects exist up to the rank of Master Warrant Officer (MWO). Opportunities to become a Commissioned Officer also exist for those airmen who qualify the prescribed examinations, later during their service career. 12. VERIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY. Original Certificates/Mark Sheets and other required documents will be scrutinized and verified at the examination venue on the rally day before the commencement of the written test. SEQUENCE OF EXAMINATION 13. WRITTEN TEST. Written test will be objective type and question paper will be bilingual (English & Hindi) except English Paper. Duration of written test will be 45 minutes for Gp ‘Y’ {For Auto Tech, GTI and IAF (P)}trades. Written test will be conducted in the following subjects:- For Group ‘Y’ {For Auto Tech, GTI and IAF (P)} Trades : English as per CBSE syllabus of AISSCE and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA). 14. PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST (PFT). All candidates who pass the written test are to undergo Physical Fitness Test (PFT) on the same or the next day. PFT consists of a 1.6 Km run to be completed within 8 minutes. Candidates completing the PFT in less than 7 minutes 30 seconds will be awarded additional marks on a sliding scale. Candidates are advised to bring their sports shoes and shorts. 15. INTERVIEW. Candidates who have passed the written test and PFT will be interviewed. Working knowledge of English is a prerequisite. 17. MEDICAL EXAMINATION. Medical examination will be conducted as per IAF medical standards for recruitment as airmen by medical officers of the Armed Forces. Medical certificates/certificates of fitness from other doctors will not be admissible except for DIOPTRIC POWER as stated in Paragraph 6. 18. PUBLISHING OF AISL The All India Select List (AISL) will be displayed at No. 4 Airmen Selection Centre, Air Force Station Barrackpore (West Bengal) on 31 July 2011. A copy of the Display List will be sent to District Magistrate of Burdhaman (West Bengal) (through Airmen Selection Centre) and also available at Indian Air Force website The inclusion of names of the candidates in the AISL depends upon the performance of the candidates in the Selection Test. NOTE: - Candidates are advised to get tartar & stains removed from their teeth before appearing for the written test. Ears should be free of wax. Candidates should be prepared to stay for the test for four to five days under their own arrangement. No TA/DA will be admissible.
Admissions-Graduate BA (Hons.) Programme courses in Fashion Design at Pearl Academy of Fashion, New delhi, Jaipur, Chennai, India
Recruitment-Indian Oil Corporation Limited
RITES Ltd. is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified premier International multi-disciplinary consultancy organization in infrastructure sector rendering comprehensive professional services in various sectors including Metro Rail Systems, Railways, Highways, Airports, Ports & Harbour, under the Ministry of Railways.
2. A Competitive examination for recruitment to the post of GRADUATE EXECUTIVE TRAINEES (GET) in RITES will be tentatively held on 17.07.2011 at the centres indicated in para 3 below. Applications are invited from young, dynamic, energetic and motivated persons of Indian Nationality for the position of ‘Graduate Executive Trainee’ (GET) in RITES for its different projects. The number of vacancies is liable to alteration.
Reservations will be made for candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Physically Disabled Categories in respect of vacancies as may be fixed by the Government of India. The community wise breakup of these vacancies is as under:-
Chandigarh College Of Architecture
ll candidates desirous of seeking admission to the Chandigarh College of Architecture, Chandigarh are required to submit their applications on-line on On-line registration will start on 7th June 2011 and close on 24th June 2011 at 5:00 p.m. The registration-cum-counseling fee (non-refundable) of Rs. 1050/- (Rupees One Thousand and Fifty only) in favour of Joint Admission Committee-2011 is to be deposited in the form of e-challan in any branch of State Bank of India throughout India. Admissions will be made on the basis of AIEEE-2011 merit and through three rounds of on-line counseling followed by one last (fourth) round of manual counseling. Only the registered candidates will be able to participate in these rounds of counseling. The information brochure and other details will be available on the web site from 7th June, 2011 onwards.
Important: The candidates belonging to Sports Category and the Sons/Daughters/Spouses of Military/Paramilitary Personnel are also required to send hard copies of their applications after on-line registration. Seats under these two categories will be filled through manual counseling only for which separate counseling dates will be announced on the website. The hard copy along with confirmation page (generated after on-line registration) and self-attested photocopies of supporting documents can be submitted by hand in the Admissions Office at PEC University of Technology, Sector 12, Chandigarh or sent by post to The Chairman, Joint Admission Committee, PEC University of Technology, Sector 12, Chandigarh so as to reach by 1st July, 2011. Incomplete/late received/unsigned applications, or applications not accompanied by photocopies of the supporting documents will be summarily rejected.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Babu Banarasi Das Group of Educational Institutes
Babu Banarasi Das National Institute of Technology and Mangement is affiliated to U.P. Technical University, Lucknow and Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar University, Agra.
An academic year is comprised of two semesters and the duration of each semester is 4½ months. There are 100 working days in a semester including the period of examination. The first semester is called Autumn Semester followed by second semester called Spring Semester. The Autumn Semester is from August to December and the Spring Semester is from Jan to May.
To appear in the University examination in a subject, a student must have attendance of 75% in theory, tutorial & practical classes. The performance of a student is evaluated through Internal Evaluation and by the End Semester Examination conducted by the University. The marks of each subject fall under two categories viz. Theory & Sessionals. The theory marks are awarded on the basis of University Examination by means of question paper covering the full syllabus.
Performance of the student shall be continuously evaluated in classroom through home assignments, quizzes and minor tests, and in the laboratories, workshop and drawing halls on practice. The sessionals marks have two parts. The sessional i.e. internal assessment will be done by Class Teachers on the basis of continuous evaluation in classrooms through Home Assignments, Minor Tests, Quizzes, Laboratory Exercises etc.
End Semester Examination will be conducted by the University. A student will be examined in the Theory by an examiner appointed by the University, also an examiner will be appointed to examine the student in Practicals. To have passed in the theory paper, a student must have secured at least 40% marks & in Practical Examination at least 40% marks. To appear in the theory examination, a student must have secured a minimum of 50% marks in the sessional of that course.
A student who fails to clear a course or courses of a semester shall be allowed to proceed to the next semester but shall have to clear the course by reappearing in that course/courses at a subsequent examination of the University Schedule. Only two reappears in a course is permissible and anybody failing to clear a course/ courses in this clause shall have to repeat a semester.
:: | Engineering |
A division will be awarded on the basis of the aggregate of the marks secured by a student in 8 semesters in the following pattern
75% and above First Division with Honors
60% and above but less than 75% First Division
50% and above but less than 60% Second Division
Less than 50% Failed
For the purpose of computing final aggregate marks the following procedure shall be followed
20% of the aggregate marks of I & II semesters.
40% of the aggregate marks of III & IV semesters.
60% of the aggregate marks of V & VI semesters.
100% of the aggregate marks of VII & VIII semesters.
Noida International University in UP, India
NIU is sponsored by Maruti Educational Trust and was notified by Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, India vide Notification No. 1108/79-vi-1-10-1 (Ka) 23-10 Lucknow dt 12 Oct 2010, Act No. 27 of 2010.
The University is very strategically located on 75 Acres sprawling Campus in the ultra-modern Yamuna Expressway Educational Hub, Gautam Budh Nagar and is privileged to be flanked by many firsts of the nation including the Formula 1 Race Track and a Night Safari.
Our Beliefs:
I. Investing in necessary tools for successful innovation
1. Leadership in fundamental research
2. Developing leaders with 21st century knowledge and skills who get right things done.
3. Building a leading physical and advanced information technology infrastructure
II. Creating an environment for entrepreneurship and risk management that allows NIU students to be globally competitive.
III. Catalyzing breakthroughs for National and Global Progress Science and Technology, Management and Medicine, Culture and Innovation.
Himgiri Nabh Vishwavidyalaya
- Bachelor of Library & Information Science (B.L.I.Sc.)
- Bachelor in Communication (B.S. Communications)
- Master in Communication (M.S. Communications)
- Bachelor of Arts (Liberal Arts)
- Bachelor in Graphics & Animation – Online (B.S.)
- Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)
- Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA)
Patanjali University
Courses Proposed for the Academic Year 2010-11 | |||||||||
The Following Courses are proposed to be started in the Academic Session 2010-11
| |||||||||
Rules of Admission | |||||||||
B. A. (with Yoga Science)
M. A.( Yoga Science) M. Sc.( Yoga Science) P. G. Diploma in Panchkarma P. G. Diploma in Yoga Science P. G. Diploma in Yoga Health and Cultural Tourism How to Pay? All payments will be made by draft payable to the University of Patanjali, at Hardwar. Application Form and prospectus can be received by depositing Bank Draft of Rs. 100/- payable to the University of Patanjali, at Hardwar (Demand by post Rs. 50/- extra as postal charges). Last date for receiving prospectus is 15 July 2010. Send a self addressed envelope of 11"* 9" with draft to
Corporation Bank
Recruitment of Officers Project 2011. (Written Test held on 29.05.2011)
Corporation Bank
Please note: 1. Call letter for Written Test to be held on 12.06.2011 has to be downloaded externally from following link by entering your Registration No. and Password or Date of Birth: 2. Your photograph should be affixed to the call letter before attending the Test. 3. Please note to carry ORIGINAL fee paid receipt along with call letter to the venue. 4. Produce one of the follwing Photo identity proof of yours in ORIGINAL along with a xerox to the venue : a) PAN Card b) Passport c) Driving Licence d) Voter's Card 5. Information Handout and Scribe Declaration Form are to be downloaded from this soite only. 6. Read instructions in the Handout carefully. To download: a] Information Handout: b] ScribeDeclaration Form: |
PNB Recruitment
PNB Recruitment
PNB Recruitment
HDFC Bank - Leading Bank in India, Banking Services, Private Banking, Personal Loan, Car Loan
We at HDFC Bank operate broadly in two major categories: Retail Banking & Wholesale Banking. Retail Banking comprises Assets & Liabilities functions, whereas Wholesale Banking includes Allied Functions & Operations.
Depending on your profile, you can select the function category (eg: Retail Assets, Retail Liabilities, etc) along with the sub function & location to view current openings in that category.
To view current openings across all functions & locations kindly select "ALL" in the three categories.
Management Jobs in Top Government Companies
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) | Across India | Marketing Officers (Group-I), Assistant Legal Advisers, Additional Government Advocates and More | 67 | 16-06-2011 |
Punjab Information and Communication Technology Education Society | Chandigarh | Assistant Manager (Hardware), Accountant and Data Entry Operator cum Office Assistant | 04 | 24-06-2011 |
National Chemical Laboratory | Pune | Data Entry Operator | 10 | 10-06-2011 |
Delhi Development Authority | New Delhi | Sr. Consultant- Architech, Urban Designer, Consultant-Transport Planner/Modeller, Consultant-Urban Designer/Planner and Architect and More | 09 | 27-06-2011 |
Bank of Baroda | Across India | Manager (Finance) -Chartered Accountants, Manager (Technical) - Mechanical/ Chemical/ Electrical, Manager (Finance) - Credit and More | 167 | 16-06-2011 |
Indian Institute Of Management Rohtak | Rohtak | Librarian, Administrative Officer(Programme), Junior Engineer and More | 08 | 17-06-2011 |
Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre (IRCC) | Mumbai | Project Manager | 01 | 07-06-2011 |
Department of Agriculture and Cooperation | New Delhi | Director (Cold Storage Refrigeration) | 01 | 23-07-2011 |
Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal | Bhopal | Project Manager, Field Investigators | 07 | 04-06-2011 |
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India | New Delhi | Secretary (TRAI) | Not Specified | 15-06-2011 |
Jute Corporation of India Limited (JCI), | Kolkata | Marketing Manager, Business Development Manager, Protocol Officer and More | 07 | 23-06-2011 |
NHPC Limited | Faridabad | Trainee Engineer (Civil), Trainee Engineer (Mechanical), Trainee Officer (HR) | 323 | 30-05-2011 |
National Council for Teacher Education | New Delhi | Deputy Secretary / Regional Director, Junior Accounts Officer, Section Officer and More | 08 | 24-06-2011 |
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) | Across India | Principal System Analyst/Principal Technical Officer, Technical Officer, Section Officer and More | 26 | 30-06-2011 |
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) | New Delhi | Assistant Director General (ADG) (Director level) | 02 | 15-07-2011 |